ASEAN Summit: Using digital tools to support learning in EMI classrooms
4 November 2020 I The Queensland Institute
Conference: Enhancing English as a Medium of Instruction
In November, 2020, QI Director, Philippa Coleman was invited to co-present the keynote presentation at the ASEAN Summit in association with Austrade.
Philippa worked with Dr Simone Smala, from the School of Education at The University of Queensland, Australia to prepare their presentation titled,
“Digital tools and strategies for enhancing learning through English as a Medium of Instruction”
More than 1,000 teachers from the ASEAN region who use English as the language of teaching and learning participated in the online webinar which was organised by Austrade. Participants joined the webinar from Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.
Philippa and Simone spoke about techniques teachers can use for scaffolding learning and balancing the cognitive and linguistic demands of the academic content for learners.
Philippa encouraged the large to participate in the session using online tools such as Mentimeter and Wordwall, and polling. This demonstrated to the teachers how they could use these tools in their physical and online classrooms to motivate and engage learners and assess their understanding.
Participants also walked away with a deeper understanding of how different activity types, such as polls, word clouds, ranking or matching activities, differed in their level of demand for learners, cognitively and linguistically.
Video footage courtesy of English Australia. Access the full webinar (1 hr 05 mins).