Empowering Early Career Teachers in TESOL
Highlights from the 40th English Australia Conference
3 September 2023 I The Queensland Institute
L-R: Philippa Coleman, Donna Cook, Sophie O’Keefe and Fiona Wiebusch, present at the EA Conference.
Last week, The Queensland Institute had the honour of participating in the 40th English Australia Conference in Sydney.
This prestigious event brought together educators and leaders to commemorate the foundational 40 years of the ELICOS sector, to examine recent sector developments, and articulate a hopeful vision for the future. Here's a brief recap of our experience:
Conference Details
Title: 40th English Australia Conference
Location: Sofitel Wentworth Hotel, Sydney
Theme: Navigating the Future: Reflections, Lessons, and Pathways Ahead
Conference program: Click here
Our Engagement
Our co-founders, Fiona Wiebusch and Philippa Coleman, were privileged to attend and present at the conference. They hosted an engaging World Cafe session alongside fellow CPD ambassadors and facilitators, Sophie O'Keefe from English Australia and Donna Cook from Australian Catholic University, using the Appreciative Inquiry model to explore perceived needs and support required to empower early career teachers (ECTs) and help them to thrive in the ELICOS sector today.
Presentation Highlights
In their session, Fiona and Philippa shared invaluable insights gathered from a recent survey involving ECTs, experienced teachers, and Academic Managers. The audience was invited to contribute successful strategies for supporting ECTs in their centres and discuss priorities for the future. You can access all session materials, including photos, slides, and resources, here.
Watch our presentation in 60 seconds!
Inspiring Sessions
Throughout the conference, we attended a number of sessions facilitated by colleagues from Australia and the UK, including:
Driving Digital Change by Andy Hockley: Exploring management approaches to navigating digital transformation in language education.
Creating a Culture of Mentorship by Mark Rooney: Delving into the establishment of mentorship programs to nurture future educators.
From fighting fires to sustainability: a future-oriented approach to teacher development by Dr. Agi Bodis & Dr. Yulia Kharchenko
Sharing successful online support strategies to meet students' changing needs beyond direct entry programs by Sue Gollagher
Constructing inclusive learning environments: Incorporating indigenous cultural awareness through live listening and storytelling by Tristan Quigley & Josh Wanganeen
Celebrating 40 Years of English Australia Panel Discussion: A captivating discussion featuring Brett Blacker, Lucas Chiusoli, Aparna Jacob, Seamus Fagan, and Robynne Walsh, reflecting on four decades of achievements in English language education.
We invite you to explore our photo gallery to gain deeper insights into our experience.
Our Commitment
At The Queensland Institute, empowering global educators is at the core of our mission. We are especially passionate about nurturing and supporting early career teachers as they embark on their journey in the dynamic ELICOS sector.
If your centre is exploring new PD opportunities or seeking guidance on ways to support early career teachers, please reach out to us. Our dedicated team are here to support your professional learning objectives. Together, we can shape the future of English language education, ensuring that our educators not only survive but thrive in our sector.
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