Building EMI Capacity in Taiwanese Schools

QI visits Miaoli, Taichung, and Taipei in 2024

8 January 2025 I The Queensland Institute

Teachers in Miaoli County enjoying an EMI workshop.

As we step into the new year, The Queensland Institute is proud to share highlights from our recent teacher training mission in Taiwan.

Fiona Wiebusch, Co-Founder of The Queensland Institute, partnered with Austrade, the Australian Government Office in Taiwan, and the Taiwanese Ministry of Education to support educators in delivering English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI).

Empowering Educators Across Three Regions

Over 170 teachers from Taiwan, the Philippines, South Africa, the USA, and the Caribbean joined Fiona’s workshops in Miaoli, Taichung, and Taipei. These sessions were designed to strengthen EMI practices with a focus on:

  • Active learning strategies

  • Micro-skills development in EMI settings

  • Inclusive approaches to bilingual education

Participants engaged enthusiastically, reflecting the dedication of Taiwan’s teaching community to advancing bilingual education goals.

Highlights Beyond the Classroom

Fiona’s trip also featured exciting opportunities to connect and collaborate:

  • Co-hosting an English radio broadcast for the National Education Program

  • Reconnecting with alumni from The Queensland Institute’s Bilingual Teacher Enrichment Programs

  • Exploring cultural highlights like Din Tai Fung’s world-famous dumplings with NTNU colleagues and visiting the National Museum of History in Taipei

Gratitude and Looking Ahead

Reflecting on the experience over two weeks in Taiwan, Fiona shared:

“It was incredible to work with such passionate educators and to see Taiwan’s progress toward the 2030 Bilingual Education goals in action.”

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Austrade and the Australian Government Office in Taiwan for their incredible support in making this mission a success.

Stay tuned as we share updates on our visits to Taiwanese universities and ongoing projects.

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Interested in learning more about our international collaborations and upcoming initiatives?

Connect with Philippa and Fiona via email to learn more. We’d love to hear from you!

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