Lessons from Launching The Queensland Institute
25 June 2021 I The Queensland Institute
Featured talk: English Australia - Ed-Tech Symposium, July 2021
The QI team were delighted to have been selected to present at the English Australia Ed-Tech Symposium, held on 13-15 July 2021.
“The Ed-Tech SIG aims to discuss and promote the adoption of new innovative technologies in the classroom in order to advance traditional methods of English language training. As the industry evolves the SIG seeks to share ideas and best practices in incorporating technologically-advanced techniques into the day to day classroom environment..” Source
This year, the English Australia Ed-Tech Symposium brought together innovators in the field of education technology, English language teaching, training, and more.
Plenary speakers included award-winning education technologist, Russell Stannard, Professor Michael Sankey from Charles Darwin University, Dr Georgie Avard, Chair of the Flexible Learning Design project, as well as a host of other interesting speakers such as Shivali Nayak, the senior producer of ABC Education Learn English, and Gerhard Erasmus from the British Council, Taiwan.
The Queensland Institute’s Directors, Philippa Coleman and Fiona Wiebusch, were proud to participate in this year’s program and enjoyed sharing their talk titled,
Lessons from launching: Successful strategies for taking teacher training online.
How are teacher training organisations responding to the global transformation in teacher education as the world moves online? In this short talk, the presenters respond to this question by sharing their experience of transitioning teacher training from the physical classroom to online delivery. The presenters will share two key examples of re-imagining peer teaching online and keeping sessions practical and purposeful in the online classroom. Hear their story of success and lessons learned along the way.
Watch the full presentation below:
Courtesy of English Australia
Updated: 25 July 2021
Excerpt of Ed-Tech SIG program (24 June)